Disproportionation Reactions
Disproportionation Reactions: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Reaction of Chlorine with water, Disproportionation Reactions, Reaction of Chlorine with Hot Alkali and, Reaction of Chlorine with Cold Alkali
Important Questions on Disproportionation Reactions
Give the reaction of chlorine with water.
Sodium chlorate is formed in the reaction of chlorine with cold and dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
Write the equation for the reaction of chlorine with hot sodium hydroxide solution.
Sodium hypo chlorite is formed in the reaction of chlorine with cold and dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
Write the equation for the reaction of chlorine with cold sodium hydroxide solution.
Which one of the following is an example of disproportionation reaction?
Choose the disproportionation reaction among the following redox reactions.
Identify disproportionation reaction in the following
In the reaction
The element which loses as well as gains electron is:
Which of the following reactions are disproportionate reaction?
The coefficients of and in the redox reaction,
in the balanced form respectively are
is reacting with hot concentrate . The product will be
Which of the following is disproportionation reaction?
Select the nature or type of redox change in the following reaction:-
Select the nature or type of redox change in the following reaction:-
Select the nature or type of redox change in the following reaction:-
Out of the following redox reactions
disproportionation is not shown in
Which of the following process represents disproportionation?
The reaction, is an example of -